Our eyes often deceive us. We tend to confuse what we think about a person or a situation with all there is to them. But much of what we've come to believe is simply a reflection of our own internalized expectations or fears. Our projections distort their truth, and say more about us than about them. What does it take to slow down and see below the surface of life to what's actually there? And what's on the other side of what we resist?

In this third episode of our "Welcome Your Life" series, we visit with Bernie Dickson, a photographer and mother of two special needs boys. Her profession requires her to see the world a bit differently than most of us. Hear the story about how photography and acceptance of her kids came together one beautiful night. And how a community came around to support her. See photos from the Acceptance Exhibit here.

Intro | Meet Bernie (0:00)
Act 1 | Photography (2:10)
Act 2 | Resistance (18:00)
Act 3 | Acceptance (32:07)
Coda | Welcome to Holland (52:40)
Credits (55:08)

Welcome to Holland by Emily Perl Kingsley.
Music by Blue Dot Sessions and Rhucle.

Resistance is a Doorway

Being brought to the edge of yourself can feel like darkness, something to push away, but if we’re willing to listen it might be an invitation to grow.

 Guided Meditation

In this meditation, you’ll be invited to reflect on a person or a situation that you feel some resistance to. It should be someone that you tend to quickly and harshly judge, or something that triggers feelings of sadness or guilt or anger. These are normal human emotions, but we can become trapped by them. If we're willing, however, we can move past the typical fight, flight or freeze response we have and open ourselves to the radical work of acceptance and the freedom that letting go can bring.

Spiritual Exercise

Use this spiritual exercise as a way to develop your eye to see below the surface of life. You’ll be sent on a “photo shoot” to capture moments in your daily life that are meaningful to you. This helps to build a posture of patience, curiosity, and expectancy — all needed to slow us down, create greater awareness and open us up to the beauty in life we tend to miss.