There is a different kind of walking. One in which you’re not trying to get anywhere or to accomplish anything. Instead, it is a walk to linger and to listen. When we walk in this way, we step into “the real” around us and open ourselves to the deeper truth we tend to pass right by.
In our very first episode, we visit with Kirk Davis, community leader and San Francisco native. He took three-hour walks through the city as a way to listen to what it was saying to him about the past and the future. And to what stirred in his heart as he contemplated both. Find out what he heard.
Intro | Meet Kirk (00:00)
Act 1 | Bayview Forever (2:58)
Act 2 | Walls without Walls (19:35)
Act 3 | New Wineskins (37:07)
Music by Blue Dot Sessions.
Learn about Kirk’s work with Kairos of San Francisco in the city’s Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood.
Guided Meditation
In this meditation, you’ll be guided through a "walk of presence" in which you imagine yourself walking through a neighborhood, or any physical space that is meaningful to you. You’re encouraged to sit and listen to it in a quiet space. Or you may listen to it while you take a physical walk, using its prompts to help you be more present to your surroundings.
Spiritual Exercise
Use this Spiritual Exercise to guide you through a physical “walk of presence.” It contains prompts for reflection. You’re encouraged to try it several times over the course of a couple of weeks as a way to build a habit of lingering and listening.